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2025-01-16 09:30:06Python资料围观57



以上风羽为U-V风; - -为大气温度;等值面填色图为 ω \omega ω



  • 垂直速度omega
  • 大气温度air
  • u方向风uwnd
  • v方向风vwnd(新增v方向风的文件)


Dimensions:  (level: 12, lon: 13)
  * level    (level) float32 1e+03 925.0 850.0 700.0 ... 250.0 200.0 150.0 100.0
  * lat      float32 ...
  * time     datetime64[ns] ...
  * lon      (lon) float32 110.0 112.5 115.0 117.5 ... 132.5 135.0 137.5 140.0
Data variables:
    omega    (level, lon) float32 ...
    air      (level, lon) float32 ...
    uwnd     (level, lon) float32 ...

Dimensions:         (valid_time: 1, pressure_level: 12, latitude: 1, longitude: 121)
  * valid_time      (valid_time) datetime64[ns] 2018-09-15
  * pressure_level  (pressure_level) float64 1e+03 925.0 850.0 ... 150.0 100.0
  * latitude        (latitude) float64 17.5
  * longitude       (longitude) float64 110.0 110.2 110.5 ... 139.5 139.8 140.0
Data variables:
    v               (valid_time, pressure_level, latitude, longitude) float32 ...
    GRIB_centre:             ecmf
    GRIB_centreDescription:  European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
    GRIB_subCentre:          0
    Conventions:             CF-1.7
    institution:             European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
    history:                 2024-10-23T00:56 GRIB to CDM+CF via cfgrib-0.9.1...


import datetime
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from metpy.units import units
import metpy.constants as constants
import metpy.calc as mpcalc

import xarray as xr

plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']  # 显示中文
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False  # 用来正常显示负号

file = 'F:/data/cut_example_data.nc'
data = xr.open_dataset(file)

vfile = 'F:/data/vwnd_example.nc'
vdata = xr.open_dataset(vfile)

# 对数据数组的维度进行重排(transpose)。希望所有变量的维度按照,时间-高度-纬度-经度 排序。
# 如果对自己读取数据的维度顺序满意,就不需要这条。
data = data.transpose('time','level','lat','lon')

time  = data.time
# 等压面,赋予其对应单位
level = data.level * units.hPa
lon   = data.lon
lat   = data.lat

# P坐标系下垂直速度,赋予对应单位
omega = data.omega * units('Pa/s')
# 将开尔文温标转换成摄氏度,并赋予对应单位
air   = (data.air - 273.15) * units.degC
uwnd  = data.uwnd
vwnd  = vdata.v


fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
ax  = plt.subplot(111)


contour_color = ['white','#b5c9ff','#7f96ff','#009e1e','#b9f96e','#ffa309','#810000'][::-1]
contour_clevs = [0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7][::-1]
# omega填色图
ct = ax.contourf(lon, level, omega[0,:,0,:] * 10, colors=contour_color, levels=contour_clevs)
cb = plt.colorbar(ct,shrink=0.9)
# 重设色标刻度显示
cb.ax.set_yticklabels([''] + [str(tick) for tick in cb.get_ticks()[1:-1]] + [''])
# 色标标题
cb.ax.set_title(r'$\omega}$', fontsize=15)


clevs_t = np.arange(-40, 20, 8)
air_contour = ax.contour(lon, level, air[0,:,0,:], colors='r', levels=clevs_t, linestyles='--', alpha=0.7)
ax.clabel(air_contour, clevs_t, inline=True, fmt='%r ℃')


## 设置风羽,半杠2m/s,一杠4m/s,箭头20m/s
ax.barbs(lon, level, uwnd[0,:,0,:], vwnd.loc[time,:,lat,lon][0,:,0,:], alpha=0.7,
         barb_increments={'half': 2, 'full': 4, 'flag': 20})


# 采用latex方法设置标题
t = ax.set_title(r'Vertical Velocity($10^{-1}Pa/s$) & Horizontal Wind$(m/s)$ & Temp$(\degree C)$',
    loc='right', fontsize=15)
# y轴的标题
# 将坐标轴倒置,使1000hPa从底下开始


import datetime
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from metpy.units import units
import metpy.constants as constants
import metpy.calc as mpcalc

import xarray as xr

plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']  # 显示中文
plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False  # 用来正常显示负号

# 参考资料
# https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44237337/article/details/124759780

file = 'F:/data/cut_example_data.nc'
data = xr.open_dataset(file)

vfile = 'F:/data/vwnd_example.nc'
vdata = xr.open_dataset(vfile)

# 对数据数组的维度进行重排(transpose)。希望所有变量的维度按照,时间-高度-纬度-经度 排序。
# 如果对自己读取数据的维度顺序满意,就不需要这条。
data = data.transpose('time','level','lat','lon')

time  = data.time
# 等压面,赋予其对应单位
level = data.level * units.hPa
lon   = data.lon
lat   = data.lat

# P坐标系下垂直速度,赋予对应单位
omega = data.omega * units('Pa/s')
# 将开尔文温标转换成摄氏度,并赋予对应单位
air   = (data.air - 273.15) * units.degC
uwnd  = data.uwnd
vwnd  = vdata.v

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
ax  = plt.subplot(111)

# ………………………………………………………垂直剖面图………………………………………………………………………………………………………………#

# 我是对着参考图的色标从上到下抄的,但是绘制填色图要求要递增。懒得重抄,加了[::-1]倒叙。
contour_color = ['white','#b5c9ff','#7f96ff','#009e1e','#b9f96e','#ffa309','#810000'][::-1]
contour_clevs = [0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7][::-1]
# omega填色图
ct = ax.contourf(lon, level, omega[0,:,0,:] * 10, colors=contour_color, levels=contour_clevs)
cb = plt.colorbar(ct,shrink=0.9)
cb.ax.set_yticklabels([''] + [str(tick) for tick in cb.get_ticks()[1:-1]] + [''])
cb.ax.set_title(r'$\omega}$', fontsize=15)

# 等温线图
clevs_t = np.arange(-40, 20, 8)
air_contour = ax.contour(lon, level, air[0,:,0,:], colors='r', levels=clevs_t, linestyles='--', alpha=0.7)
ax.clabel(air_contour, clevs_t, inline=True, fmt='%r ℃')
# u-v风羽图
## 索引到的v风建议还需要压缩维度,所以直接选取time第0个和lat第0个
## 设置风羽,半杠2m/s,一杠4m/s,箭头20m/s
ax.barbs(lon, level, uwnd[0,:,0,:], vwnd.loc[time,:,lat,lon][0,:,0,:], alpha=0.7,
         barb_increments={'half': 2, 'full': 4, 'flag': 20})

t = ax.set_title(r'Vertical Velocity($10^{-1}Pa/s$) & Horizontal Wind$(m/s)$ & Temp$(\degree C)$',
    loc='right', fontsize=15)



首先在使用 w w w 风前,我们需要将 P P P坐标系下的 ω \omega ω转换。 P a / s — > m / s Pa/s—>m/s Pa/s>m/s

(1)ωw 详解。

metpy 库配备了可以灵活处理常量和变量的计算公式,采用公式:

metpy.calc.vertical_velocity(omega,pressure, temperature, mixing_ratio=0)

可以将 ωw 。参考自python 将垂直速度从压力坐标系转为高度坐标系(pa/s转为m/s)_垂直速度单位转换-CSDN博客


metpy.calc.vertical_velocity(omega,pressure, temperature, mixing_ratio=0)

Calculate w from ω assuming hydrostatic conditions.

假定流体静力学的条件,根据 ω 计算 w

This function converts vertical velocity with respect to pressure ( ω = D p D t ) \left(\omega = \frac{Dp}{Dt}\right) (ω=DtDp) to that with respect to height ( w = D z D t ) \left(w = \frac{Dz}{Dt}\right) (w=DtDz)assuming hydrostatic conditions on the synoptic scale. By Equation 7.33 in [Hobbs2006],

假定流体静力学的条件,该函数将垂直速度与压力 ( ω = D p D t ) \left(\omega = \frac{Dp}{Dt}\right) (ω=DtDp)的关系转换为垂直速度与高度 ( w = D z D t ) \left(w = \frac{Dz}{Dt}\right) (w=DtDz)的关系

根据 ω ≃ − ρ g w \omega \simeq -\rho g w ωρgw ,得 w ≃ − ω ρ g w \simeq \frac{- \omega}{\rho g} wρgω

Density ρ \rho ρ is calculated using the density() function, from the given pressure and temperature. If mixing_ratio is given, the virtual temperature correction is used, otherwise, dry air is assumed.

在给定气压和温度下,计算密度 ρ 可以用 density() 函数。如果 mixing_ratio 给出,会借助虚温订正,否则,将认为是干空气。

引用自metpy 库中记录的函数 vertical_velocity()

def vertical_velocity(omega, pressure, temperature, mixing_ratio=0):
    mixing_ratio: `pint.Quantity`, optional
        Mixing ratio of air 空气混合比例
    rho = density(pressure, temperature, mixing_ratio)
    return (omega / (- mpconsts.g * rho)).to('m/s')
def density(pressure, temperature, mixing_ratio, molecular_weight_ratio=mpconsts.epsilon):
    mixing_ratio : `pint.Quantity`
        Mass mixing ratio (dimensionless) 无量纲质量混合比
    virttemp = virtual_temperature(temperature, mixing_ratio, molecular_weight_ratio)
    return (pressure / (mpconsts.Rd * virttemp)).to('kg/m**3')
def virtual_temperature(
    temperature, mixing_ratio, molecular_weight_ratio=mpconsts.nounit.epsilon
    mixing_ratio : `pint.Quantity`
        Mass mixing ratio (dimensionless) 无量纲质量混合比

    molecular_weight_ratio : `pint.Quantity` or float, optional
        The ratio of the molecular weight of the constituent gas to that assumed
        for air. Defaults to the ratio for water vapor to dry air.
    return temperature * ((mixing_ratio + molecular_weight_ratio)
                          / (molecular_weight_ratio * (1 + mixing_ratio)))

根据以上函数vertical_velocity() 内容及展开,我们可以将公式解析为:
w = − ω g ∗ ρ w=-\frac{\omega}{g*\rho} w=gρω
其中密度 ρ = P R d ∗ T v \rho = \frac{P}{R_d*T_v} ρ=RdTvP T v T_v Tv为虚温, T v = T ∗ w m + ϵ ϵ ∗ ( 1 + w m ) T_v = T*\frac{w_m+\epsilon}{\epsilon*(1+w_m)} Tv=Tϵ(1+wm)wm+ϵ;g为重力加速度常数: 9.80665 m / s 2 9.80665m/s^2 9.80665m/s2

R d R_d Rd——mpconsts.Rd,dry_air_gas_constant,地表干空气气体常数: 287.047491 J / ( K ⋅ k g ) 287.047491J/(K·kg) 287.047491J/(Kkg)

在虚温的公式中, w m w_m wm质量混合比 w m = m i m d w_m=\frac{m_i}{m_d} wm=mdmi,这里默认值为 0 ;
ϵ \epsilon ϵ——mpconsts.nounit.epsilon,molecular_weight_ratio,水的分子量与干燥空气的分子量之比: 0.62195691 0.62195691 0.62195691

w = − ω ∗ T P ∗ R d ∗ ( w m + ϵ ) g ∗ ϵ ∗ ( 1 + w m ) w=-\frac{\omega*T}{P}*\frac{R_d*(w_m+\epsilon)}{g*\epsilon*(1+w_m)} w=PωTgϵ(1+wm)Rd(wm+ϵ)

w = − ω ∗ T P ∗ R d g = − ω ∗ T P ∗ 29.27069 w=-\frac{\omega*T}{P}*\frac{R_d}{g}=-\frac{\omega*T}{P}*29.27069 w=PωTgRd=PωT29.27069

Hobbs, P. V., and J. M. Wallace, 2006: Atmospheric Science: An Introductory Survey. 2nd ed. Academic Press, 504 pp.



time  = data.time
# 等压面,赋予其对应单位
level = data.level * units.hPa
lon   = data.lon
lat   = data.lat

# P坐标系下垂直速度,赋予对应单位
omega = data.omega * units('Pa/s')
# 将开尔文温标转换成摄氏度,并赋予对应单位
air   = (data.air - 273.15) * units.degC
uwnd  = data.uwnd

# 笛卡尔坐标系下的垂直速度
w     = mpcalc.vertical_velocity(omega, level, air, mixing_ratio=0)


# omega填色图
contour_color = ['white','#b5c9ff','#7f96ff','#009e1e','#b9f96e','#ffa309','#810000'][::-1]
contour_clevs = [0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7][::-1]
# omega填色图
ct = ax.contourf(lon, level, omega[0,:,0,:] * 10, colors=contour_color, levels=contour_clevs)
cb = plt.colorbar(ct,shrink=0.9)
cb.ax.set_yticklabels([''] + [str(tick) for tick in cb.get_ticks()[1:-1]] + [''])
cb.ax.set_title(r'$\omega}$', fontsize=15)

# w等值线图
# 过滤小于0的值
w_filtered = w[0,:,0,:].where(w[0,:,0,:]>=0,0)
w_contour = ax.contour(lon, level, w_filtered, colors='black', linestyles='--')
ax.clabel(w_contour, inline=True, fmt='%2.2f')


根据《天气学原理和方法》第四版, Page629。

ω = 1 P a / s \omega=1Pa/s ω=1Pa/s w w w 对应的值:




因此常用的绘制方法是, w = − ω ∗ 100 w=-\omega*100 w=ω100。则合成如下:

而为了单位的统一性,用metpy库将 ω \omega ω转换 w w w,再对量级放大100倍后绘制,得到的结果效果反而并不明显。


垂直速度 w = w ∗ 100 ∗ 1 0 − 2 m / s w=w*100*10^{-2}m/s w=w100102m/s ,即单位: 1 0 − 2 m / s 10^{-2}m/s 102m/s

合成风U-W= ( w ∗ 1 0 − 2 m / s ) 2 + ( u ∗ m / s ) 2 \sqrt{(w*10^{-2}m/s)^2+(u*m/s)^2} (w102m/s)2+(um/s)2 ,即单位: 1 0 − 4 + 1 ∗ m / s ≃ 1.00005 ∗ m / s ≈ m / s \sqrt{10^{-4}+1}*m/s\simeq1.00005*m/s\approx m/s 104+1 m/s1.00005m/sm/s

因此,按照垂直速度放大100倍进行绘图,对最后的结果并不会有太大的影响。但是,如果有需要绘制该类型的风场图,更建议直接采用 ω \omega ω放大100倍来进行绘制。



